My third full body sculpture, though this one with a strange twist, it was to be a water feature

Of a girl urinating.

Into a swimming pool. 

Thus meaning on the day as we positioned the model to be cast we had her place both hands on hips, pelvis thrust out, chin up and arched back in a fabulous if not a tad ridiculous position known only as the ‘pissing pose’.  Not to mention an all important grin spread across her face as this ‘statue’ revelled in the sheer cheek of relieving herself in our clients pool. 

On the day everything went well, though when it came to casting the mould I had found I had mixed the resin far to viscously the evening before leaving a lot of air bubbles in the mix. This meant I had a lot more post casting filling to do than usual. lesson learnt. 

The rest of the process went without hiccup, sanding smooth and filling where necessary. The head was sculpted expertly by Vicky Ball who captured the look perfectly, with an exceptionally cheeky grin. I then made a two part jacket mould of the head, cast it and attached it to the body leaving only the plumbing left to be sorted. 

A hole being made in her heel and a hose fed up the leg which connected to a spout drilled and placed perfectly with a metal bracket used to hold it in place. We then rushed to turn on the tap and test our creation. Bingo! a perfect steady stream.